BMW Owner Intentionally Destroys Car Because It’s Not a Jaguar!

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BMW M3 River

What a big baby! Man pushes BMW into a river because his parents gifted it to him instead of the car he preferred.

Hold on, we’re looking up the definition of the world “spoiled” in the dictionary….oh, it’s just a picture of this. Just when we think we’ve seen it all, someone steps it up a notch. We’ve all seen examples of some outrageous automotive behavior, but this takes the cake. Brand loyalty can make people do crazy things, especially when they are utterly blind to the value of money.

The Daily Mail reports that the big tantrum-throwing doofus, er, man received the M3 as a gift for his birthday. The unhappy birthday boy was identified only as Akash. So, Akash did not want a BMW; he wanted a Jaguar. And, apparently only a Jaguar. The only reasonable solution was to send the car into a river and post a video for the world to see, right? Yeah, definitely not.

BMW M3 River

If nothing else, we can enjoy the audacity of the scenario as we see this German masterpiece drift through the water. Nope, actually, we can’t enjoy it. What, he couldn’t return it? Donate it? We’d be happy to send him our address.

It is worth noting that nobody was hurt in the attempted rescue of the $50,000 vehicle. With that out of the way, we can proceed to the hilarity.

As you can see in the video, the car can be seen floating down the river, with onlookers filming and cackling as they witness the event first hand. While they are speaking and Indian language, it’s not hard to imagine the kind of things they’re discussing. Eye-rolling is an international language.

BMW M3 In River

Hilariously, The Daily Mail reported that the owner later joined in the effort to try to save the car. I guess he had a slight change of heart, huh? Perhaps he had an epiphany and now sees the error of his ways. Most likely, though, he probably just wanted to save face just a tiny bit. He isn’t exactly on a path of keeping a positive light shed on his name.

Overall, it’s never fun to watch a nice car perish. However, knowing the back story and seeing an entire group of grown men sit on top of the half-submerged BMW helps ease the pain just a little bit.

As for Akash, we hope this lesson might stop him from acting like Veruca Salt in Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory in the future.

Photos: Daily Mail

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