One Exotic Car, Three Laps, No Speed Limit

One Exotic Car, Three Laps, No Speed Limit

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New Jersey’s Xtreme Experience exotic car rental business helps fulfill one customer’s Fifty Shades of Grey fantasy in a Lambo. 

How many exotic auto enthusiasts ever get the opportunity to press the pedal to the proverbial metal and snake three laps around a pro track? That’s three laps while driving an auto with a six-figure price tag and no speed limit. New Jersey-based Xtreme Xperience is an exotic car-rental business that offers “the finest supercars from across the globe,” and they’re the company that will put you in the driver’s seat. The price tag is $300 and that helps to cover everything necessary behind the glamour, such as tires, brakes, gas, oil, racetrack rental, a staff of 35 people, and professional instructors. The bottom line is they offer no speed limits and an opportunity to drive exotic cars for a reasonable fee.

Xtreme Xperience started with about six cars and trunk-full of “stuff,” as Joe Moore, the chief marketing officer at Xtreme Xperience, puts it. So, how did they put together the financing to buy and insure a million dollars worth of cars? Moore explains that they “basically rented our first cars and used some cutting-edge marketing tactics to pre-sell tickets to afford to produce our first events (which were profitable). We then used profits to grow the company strategically every year. Add a dash of relentless hard work, hiring the right people, and there’s the secret!”

At their first event, at MSR Houston, they ran the experience with 750 drives booked and sold, which was “a pretty big deal for the first time.” Oh, but they’ve expanded, and now have three fifty-foot trailers, generally fifteen exotic cars, and all the backup equipment and spare parts they need to make any exotic car lover’s adrenaline hit overdrive.

One Exotic Car, Three Laps, No Speed Limit

Moore relates a story about a woman who was apparently a huge Fifty Shades of Grey fan, and she wanted to live out her Fifty Shades of Grey fantasy with her husband driving a Lamborghini R8 (because that’s what “Christian Grey” drove). However, the tires on the R8 were shot, and the woman’s fantasy apparently in ruins. Ruined, that is, until the staff got on the phone and secured a set of replacement tires from Lamborghini in Houston. It was three to four hours later, but they were able to indulge her Fifty Shades R8 fantasy, and everything ended well.

One Exotic Car, Three Laps, No Speed Limit

Xtreme Xperience comes to town for three or four days at a time to make enthusiasts’ exotic-auto driving-dreams come true. Though there may be unforeseen delays or an occasional wrench in the works, Moore says, “failure is not an option for us.”

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