Gods Have Flaws Too: Bugatti Veyron Recalled

Gods Have Flaws Too: Bugatti Veyron Recalled

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*Intercom static*

“Yes, next up No. 16 … ummm, point four?”

*Bugatti rolls up to the front desk*

“Do you know who I am? Why am I here?”

*Physician looks down at diagnostics*

“Ah yes, Mr. Veyron. We’ve never seen you in here before, so it was quite a shock to see your name on the most recent list of recalls.”

That’s right, even the most prolific vehicles in automotive history aren’t immune to marks on their records. Bugatti issued a recall this week on the Veyron — specifically for 92 models in the U.S. For 87 of the cars (2006-2010 Veyron, 2010-2012 Veyron Grand Sport, 2011-2013 Veyron Super Sport), the recall is to fix aluminum jack plates that could possibly corrode and fall off of the carbon fiber monocoque. Obviously, that could be dangerous when the vehicle is driving. They’ll be fixed with rivets.


The other five cars have incorrect gas gauges that tell drivers there’s more gas than there actually is. And these things only get 8 miles per gallon. For these cars, the fuel tank control unit will be replaced.

And the recalls aren’t even the worst part. Apparently, Volkswagen has known about the plate issue for four years already and the gas issue for six years! The repairs and problems were known within the company, but they weren’t made public. Another VW fail … not surprising.

Still, it’s an incredible car, as you can see in the video below.

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Via [Car and Driver]

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