Does Your Turbocharger Need a Blanket?

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It may be the middle of summer, but your turbo could be a little chilly inside, perhaps it fancies a blankie?

Yup, you read that right. Your turbo may operate better and deliver optimum performance with the help of something called a “turbo blanket.” Although the turbo blanket isn’t really what it sounds like — a  literal blanket shoved into your turbo — it’s almost the same thing, but neatly produced and packed into the turbocharger housing to heat and cool accordingly.

The Rob Dahm video below shows how such a turbo blanket can help your vehicle’s modified turbocharger stay in its happy place, whether it is on the cold side or hot side. In theory, the blanket should be able to control under-hood temperatures much better than non-blanketed turbos, as shown with thermal imagery in the video.

Now, beware, this turbo blanket isn’t for stock engines or stock turbochargers. OEM configurations wouldn’t benefit from such a product, as they’re already insulated to specific standards, and messing with those could harm instead of help. If you’ve tweaked your engine, increased boost, or bolted on an aftermarket turbocharger, the blanket may come in handy though.

Check out and the video and judge for yourself.

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Via [Rob Dahm]

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