Tesla Smart Summoning Feature Is Not Doing So Hot

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Tesla Model S

Tesla Smart Summon is causing cars to crash into other vehicles, people’s houses and is jamming up parking lots.

Look, we understand the desire to have these futuristic technological advances in the auto industry. However, it seems that this particular one should probably have stayed in beta testing just a tad longer. The electric vehicle giant Smart Summon feature allows you to use your phone app to bring your car to you automatically. It works as a valet driver, just, you know, with no driver. In theory, it does, at least.

According to The New York Post, though, it isn’t doing a great job at it. There have been several reports of customer cars crashing into various things when using Smart Summon. Among then was an unfortunate bump with a garage. Even worse, though, is a crash into another car in the parking lot.

Crunched Tesla Fender

In all fairness, though, in one video, you can see a car backing up without noticing the car moving behind them. Sure, a human driver would have likely noticed the other car and at least honked, it does look like the Tesla attempted to stop. Likely, even with a driver in the Tesla, there would have been some question about who is at fault. Not many automotive companies are attempting things like this, so there is not a whole lot of reference for insurance companies or police.

Tesla at Nurburgring

Though Tesla has not yet commented on these incidents, their website makes it very clear that you are still responsible for your car and it’s surroundings. Additionally, they make it clear that the vehicles may not sense every object around them. It seems that they are pretty well clear of any law controversy. Using the Smart Summon feature is entirely at your own risk.

Tesla Model 3 Collection

So while the feature may be exciting, it is essential to remember that you are going to be held responsible for whatever outcome ensues. If you do own a Tesla, we highly recommend you start small. Perhaps a big empty parking lot is more the speed we should be looking at.

It is also essential to keep in mind that these are limited cases. Much like the self-driving feature, there have been a few problems. Though, the majority of the users are not running into them. With progress comes faults!

Photos: Tesla/Twitter

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