Spectacular Crash Sends Jaguar Engine Into an Apartment!

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Jaguar XE crash

Police chase in Louisiana causes suspect to violently wreck with enough force to eject both himself and the engine from the car.   

The odds of being struck by a bolt of lightning in your lifetime are roughly 1 in 15,000. The odds of being attacked by a shark are 1 in 11.5 million. If you think you are going to be the next Mega Millions winner, good luck, those odds are about 1 in 300 million. As daunting as those odds may seem, they pale in comparison to the chances of being struck by a flying Jaguar engine while sitting in your apartment. You are more likely to see Greta Thunberg driving a Lamborghini Aventador around the Nürburgring while she eats a ham sandwich.

As long as the odds are, on February 12, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana there was a police chase that ended with the launch of an engine. The crash ejected the driver, and sent the car engine through an apartment front door, striking a resident inside. It is unclear at this time what instigated the police chase, but it is clear how it ended. The suspect crashed what appears to have been a Jaguar XE into multiple trees. Perhaps the driver intentionally destroyed the car because he really wanted a BMW.  That may sound strange but similar cases do exist.  Most likely it was not intentional, and the driver simply lost control of the vehicle. Jaguar is working to avoid such wrecks can in the future with some advanced technology

A police pursuit ending in a crash is not that unusual. Even an accident that is so severe that the driver is ejected, and the engine gets torn from the car is not unheard of. But a crash that sends the engine flying through the front door of an apartment and striking a resident inside? That can’t happen every day.

Jaguar XE

Just imagine sitting in your apartment and you hear a knock at the door. Who is it? Salesman? Pizza guy? No, it’s a 2.0L turbocharged 4-cylinder engine that just flew out of a passing Jag. Looking at the pictures makes me think that maybe some of the scenes in the Fast and Furious series are not that far-fetched after all.

Jaguar XE crash scene

Thankfully the resident that was struck by the flying debris should be OK. He was taken to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries. The suspect sustained more severe injuries and was admitted to the hospital in critical condition.

Jaguar XE crash scene

Now, we’re sure the apartment resident is going to have quite an interesting conversation with the insurance company soon. We doubt there is a checkbox on the renters’ policy claim form for the “engine landed in the family room.” If it were us, we would love to keep the engine as a souvenir. Perhaps a nice coffee table could be made from it. It would make one heck of a conversation starter, and it’s tough to think of a more unique way to acquire an engine. Maybe the rest of the car can be salvaged as well. I think it would be a great candidate for an LS swap, we mean, hell, the engine is already out, the hard part is done.

Photos: The Advocate; Jaguar 

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