Petersen Automotive Museum is Streaming Vault Tours

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Petersen Vault Tour by David Ciminelli

Hour-long digital tour provides rare access to never-before-seen race cars, movie cars, and culturally significant vehicles.

For enthusiasts looking for digital entertainment while practicing social distancing, the Petersen Automotive Museum is streaming Vault tours during its temporary closure. Led by Collection Manager Dana Williamson, the hour-long digital tour provides rare access to never-before-seen race cars, movie cars and culturally significant vehicles from the Vault.

Online Vault tours cost $3, with the admission allowing the museum to continue to maintain its collection and support staff and digital programs during its closure until March 31.

Team Speed - Rad Rides from the Petersen Vault

GOT IT BAD, GOT IT BAD, GOT IT BAD: Rockin’ roadster starred with Van Halen in iconic “Hot for Teacher” video.

“Although we wish patrons could be visiting us at this time, we understand the risks and wanted to offer a new experience for fans of the museum to enjoy from the comfort of home,” said Petersen Executive Director Terry L. Karges. “The benefit of offering digital tours is that we are now able to extend the stories of our collection to a global audience and give our patrons more access to the cars than ever before.”

In addition to the paid tour, the Petersen is also offering free online educational programming for students during the closure.

Team Speed - Rad Rides from the Petersen Vault

BOND’S RIDE: Gun-toting 1998 Jaguar XKR was featured in the 007 blockbuster Die Another Day.

For more information about the Petersen Automotive Museum and to buy a pass for the virtual vault tour, click here.

Also See: Crazy, Sexy, Cool–and WTF?!?–Vehicles from the Petersen Vault

Photos: Team Speed

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