Koenigsegg Introduces Regera’s Robotic Gadgetry

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For years, auto manufacturers have had body panel actuation innovations, but Koenigsegg’s new fully robotized body, referred to as “Autoskin,” takes it a step higher. Using sophisticated hydraulic systems already in place from the Regera’s active aero system, engineers simply routed the feature to all of the body panels, including doors, rear bonnet, and frunk (front trunk).

Taking the limelight for the whole system is a remote control feature. Using the equipped key fob, owners can operate individual panels or all of them together. Check out the video below from Koenigsegg’s Facebook page demonstrating its “Show Mode,” where all of the panels open smoothly in sync. The entire systems adds a minimal five kilograms of weight, which translates to feathers for the ultra powerful Regera hypercar hybrid drive system jetting this rear-drive Swedish shark up to 100 KPH in under 3 seconds.

One of features not shown in the video, which is listed on Koenigsegg’s website, is when the power retractable side mirrors swing out in tandem with world-famous Dihedral Synchro Helix Doors. The mirrors are said have the same luxurious smooth motion as the doors. Be sure to hit your local cars and coffee to see if your neighborhood Regera owner can show you the full operation.

In the automotive industry the one-upmanship is becoming quite apparent. Koenigsegg has the super gadgetry department on lock against competition from Porsche, Ferrari, and McLaren. No one in the market has body panel systems like this, let alone a remote controlled one.

Are you a fan of this system? Do you think this is over-engineered or right on target to take out the competition of hypercar toys?

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Via [Jalopnik, Koenigsegg]

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