Bespoke Rallies Unlock the Magic of Madagascar

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Madagascar 4x4 rally

Recent three-week Madagascar 4×4 rally rated as ‘fantastic’ by the 12 crews who participated.

As a leading organizer of classic car rallies, Bespoke Rallies is best known for the regularity trials it hosts anywhere from India to the Pyrenees and South America to Scandinavia. The recent three-week tour Madagascar 4×4 rally was therefore something of a departure even for this experienced company. But it was one that was absolutely adored by the crews that took part.

“I’m delighted to report that they seemed to love it all, from the stunning scenery and fascinating indigenous wildlife to the often challenging roads,” said Bespoke Rally Director John Brigden. “As a result of the many eulogistic testimonials we’ve received, we will certainly be looking to repeat this event in the future.â€

Bespoke Rallies Unlock the Magic of Madagascar

These are just a few of the comments from those who attended:

“What a fabulous rally it was! A perfect mix of wildlife, culture, scenic beauty, dreamy beaches, whales and lots of tricky off-road fun. Thank you for making wonderful memories for us.” B Shooter

“An excellent rally through beautiful scenery and visiting many interesting places. I was a bit concerned about doing the rally in hired 4x4s but it worked very well. A very well organized rally and great company.” J Aird

Bespoke Rallies Unlock the Magic of Madagascar

“Really enjoyed the Madagascar rally, one of the best I have done so far. A fantastic route, rainforests, mountains and beautiful beachside resorts. Magical baobabs, lemurs, zebus and whales. Exciting driving through crowed towns and off-road tracks, topped off with the best available accommodation, a great variety of food each night and the company of the like-minded rally family. Great memories and new friends.” R Toohey

Other events scheduled by Bespoke Rallies for this year and next include Slartibartfast, Royal Rajasthan, Sri Lanka, The Imperial Rally, and The Tiger Tasmania.

Bespoke Rallies Unlock the Magic of Madagascar

Bespoke Rallies Unlock the Magic of Madagascar

Photos: Bespoke Rallies

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