‘Back to the Future’ BMW Finally Gets the Spotlight

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The day Marty McFly traveled forward in time during Back to the Future has come and gone. That date is October 21st, 2015, and with it, more and more Back to the Future tied items turned up then we could keep track of. From hoverboards to Nike lace-up sneakers, everything to do with the movie has become a huge deal, even though the second film is definitely the weakest of the three. However, that hasn’t stopped the owner of this 1976 BMW 6 Series from cashing in.

When the filmmakers of the movie wanted to get the look of 2015 down right, they made the future look absolutely ridiculous. But while most of those ridiculous looking 2015 items were just props or early CGI, a few were actual cars, including this one. According to AutoEvolution, the “producers wanted the cheapest E24 possibly, and got their hands on this beauty, a hardly working 633 CSi version they bought for only $400.” It also happened to be a grey market car that they had imported.

The BMW actually belonged to Griff, son of Biff, and the movie’s main villain. It still has the broken taillight from the movie. The car didn’t run then, the crew actually used a crane to move the car around on set, and to make it look as if it could hover. However, thanks to some hard work and determination, which you can see in the video below, it runs now. And it still has the kit that the prop department stuck on it back in the day.

So what do you all think of this on-screen movie car? Does it really represent 2015?

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

Via [AutoEvolution]

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