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LABrit 03-05-2012 05:20 PM

That shop looks pretty scary Ali...hope they know what they're doing!

boursachi 03-06-2012 02:46 AM

hi Josh!!! miss you buddy, hope you're doing well :)
yeah that shop is not really licensed haha it's in an area where you can't have a car workshop, sorrounding it are mostly offce spaces for large companies and some showrooms for boats and bikes (which also have unlicensed workshops behind them) it is just a big empty space that is owned (rented from the government) by an influential kuwaiti who sublet it to those guys.
they are the ONLY shop with an official and real SD computer, imagine that man.. the guy used to be a technician at the AD, and when i quizzed him on what the procedure he is going to follow was (based on my readings on fchat) he answered everything honestly and correctly. takes his time explaining how stuff works, and was very blunt at what i should keep or change.
that said do not let the dust fool you it makes the place 10x dirtier (at home garage the cars look miserable)

this will sound very strange perhaps but you would not believe how NEAR IMPOSSIBLE it is to find an honest mechanic or shop even here :) i have been blessed that my dad is friends with the owner of one of the biggest shops (place i always take photos of my cars at) and their mechanic and technician consider us friends. unfortunately, i cannot leave them with the fcars after what i went through with the 355 - it was not at either shop but a third one which uses a Skilltester 5 - especially if it comes to configuration with a special software tool, namely setting up the clutch parameters

overall i will be owing this guy approx 900 quid for what we set out to work on, excluding the shell 10w60 oil and whatever he wishes to charge for installing the flywheel. so in a way i am getting a fair deal for service and labour, esp if i wanted to compare with a shop like the ones i see in the ROW service threads!

hoping to get more pics today as everything goes back in together if i have time to make it to the empty lot; i meam shop :lol:

boursachi 03-06-2012 10:42 AM

5 Attachment(s)
engine work started and most of it done :) fresh belts went on, sorry the covers went back on before i made it so i couldn't take pics of the timings nor tensioners.
sparks and injector seals will be done tomorrow along with the power steering hose, last pic shows evidence of the leakage.
very excited, and extremely proud of my 360's condition :golfclap: :)

i reckon i should have it back thursday

boursachi 03-11-2012 04:54 PM

all back together, and fired up :)
had to leave before the road test, but did catch a glimpse of the parameters check on the sd3
looking forward to seeing pis set up

hoping i can get her an appointment for saturday morning to be detailed properly inside/out

boursachi 03-12-2012 01:15 PM

blittle bedtime story :)

boursachi 03-12-2012 01:17 PM

other misc stuff

430 throwout and sensor in gearbox

430 engine and clutch

360 front end exposed

Axman 03-14-2012 03:07 PM

Great work you are putting in to this Ali! :)

boursachi 03-14-2012 06:47 PM

Fredrick!!! thank you :friends:

i have so far put on around 250 km on the new clutch
i will be taking it back on Monday to the shop to put back my under trays ALONG with the under tray that comes at the front end :HappyDance: it was missing on the car when i bought it and it always peeved me, feels great to have found one locally coz shipping would've been a b1tch! :yup: i decided i want to drive the car a week or so to make sure no leaks are there, and will check everything once we jack it up for installing the trays


Lumma 03-17-2012 07:02 AM

I applaud u for what ur doing

The 360 is sexy love it more than the italia and 430

Enjoy it in the best of health

boursachi 03-17-2012 09:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)
thanks mate :friends: 458 is great but way too much money atm
430 is becoming more and more attractive to me considering their price drop but i still cannot get past the rear :( taillights sit waaay too high, but i think a black 430 would be hard to say no to :)

odo turned at 47k km last night
it was an awesome drive which included fooling around with 2 458s, with ASR off - which is how i think the car should be at all times except maybe in foggy rain conditions!!

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