Switzer “LC1” Launch Control Conversion for the Nissan GTR

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Switzer “LC1” Launch Control Conversion for the Nissan GTR

For those of you who have wanted to effectively launch your 2011 GTR but couldn’t, there is hope. Switzer LC1 Launch Control Conversion for 2010+ GTR’s, a tech note from Tym Switzer. “Yesterday we stopped out to Shepherd Transmissions to drop off another gearbox and wanted to help John with his launch problems in his 2011 GTR. His car is pulling great but has been plagued with the inconsistent launches of LC3. As many of you may or may not know, the LC3 strategy will not permit a launch with traction control disabled. This causes the car to basically pull all power if it senses wheel spin on the launch. While this strategy is very protective, it also makes effectively drag racing a GTR impossible. I had a couple of ideas on how to defeat this a few months ago, but truthfully had set it aside as it wasn’t a priority for us at the time. John and I were speaking about his frustrations of not being able to get a solid un-interrupted launch in the car so I dusted off the bookshelf so to speak and we got to work on the problem….” Follow for more.

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