Rebirth of an Icon: The ICON Bronco

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Rebirth of an Icon: The ICON Bronco

Bringing a classic into the modern day can create challenges. Often the soul of the original is missing, and a redesign can dilute its appeal.

But what if you could keep that original body and infuse it with a modern-day chassis? Well, that’s exactly what the team at ICON has done with the Bronco.

You’ll remember the Bronco as a no-nonsense tough-as-nails truck that had plenty of off-road ability, and cheap replacement parts. Well, the ICON Bronco keeps the sense of heritage with an original body yet utilities a chassis that endows the car with genuine credentials off the beaten track.

If you visited the SEMA show recently, you may have overlooked the ICON Bronco as just another old-car-made-good. But don’t be fooled by its traditional looks. ICON’s lead designer Jonathan Ward worked with Ford GT designer Camilo Pardo to re-invent the entire car.

Just look at the detailing: the stainless steel door handles have been so expertly cut that they look like they belong in a high-end kitchen. Likewise the door mirrors are a work of art that many would simply overlook. The interior is bursting with details that only are appreciated with closer inspection and a fingertip touch. Machined stainless steel features throughout, while watch-inspired dials give the impression of enthusiasm. Even the sun visors come from a Learjet. If its attention to detail you’re after, the ICON is the company for you. Did we mention that LED lighting is used to bathe the interior in ambient lighting?

Take a guess at the company that helped to ensure the parts were manufactured accurately. Did you think of a shoe company? Well, Nike is the brand which supplied a ten-man team of designers, engineers and fabricators. Using prototyping equipment, the company enabled ICON to accurately represent parts which required elaborate workmanship.

It gets better. Under that solid body lies a completely new chassis, with Dynatrac axles for the front and rear (Jeep uses these in the Wrangler Rubicon, giving you an idea of how capable it is off-road). There’s a manual gearbox currently, but an automatic will be available, too.

Motivating the ICON Bronco is a 2011 Ford Coyote 5.0 V8 engine, which makes 412hp and 390 lb-ft. Despite the size of it, timing efficiency sees it averaging 25MPG – a staggering achievement.

This is one cool truck, and one for which a lucky few owners will full appreciate the workmanship and detailing which has gone into it. The cost? It starts at $155,000 and goes up from there. You can specify a hard or soft top, too, if you want. Chilewich textiles and a CNC’d fire extinguisher are also part of the options list.

If there’s one part on the car that truly represents what the ICON Bronco is all about, it’s the grille. It’s laser cut marine-grade stainless steel which is hand finished. Sure, there are cheaper and lighter materials out there, but nothing looks as impressive.

And that’s the mantra behind the project. Spare no expense and make it superb.

Job done, I’d say.

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