Meet Miha Furlan, A Man of Ferrari Art

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Ferrari Drawing

Deep within the forums, we see members with beautiful cars all the time. What we don’t get to see that often, is art being recognized. Let’s change that.

This isn’t the first time we’ve featured art from Vic82, also known formally as Miha Furlan. His artwork is insanely realistic and very detailed — hence why we couldn’t resist using it when announcing the Ferrari GT 250 being deemed a masterpiece by the Italian government. Though, what could another piece showcasing his skills hurt? We thought it would be fun to pull some of our favorite pieces from the thread he started back in 2008. Furlan uses a variety of different Ferrari’s as muses for his art, but they’re not the only kinds of cars that catch his eye. In the thread, there are drawings he’s done of Alfa Romeo’s, Porsche’s, Lancias and even Mercedes’. So, even though he obviously prefers Italian machinery, he can’t turn away a beautiful car when he sees one.

Ferrari Art Meet Miha Furlan, A Man of Ferrari Art

What’s even more amazing is the fact that while his subjects almost never involve anything other than cars (or, at least we haven’t had the pleasure of seeing them on the forums), his methods and backgrounds do. Sometimes they’re monochromatic or black and white, other times they have very flamboyant with vibrant backgrounds. Most times, though, they’re incredibly realistic — making it difficult to tell whether it’s a photograph or a drawing. For instance, the hero image is a great example. Take a look at some more.

Ferrari Drawings Meet Miha Furlan, A Man of Ferrari Art Meet Miha Furlan, A Man of Ferrari Art

Despite the many questions in the thread about his mediums, he regularly urges those curious to send him a private message to tell them more. Taking a look at the different pictures he’s drawn up, it seems to change — but a majority of the drawings posted seem to be colored with colored pencils. Some look to be done with marker, as well. Though, it’s quite possible that’s completely incorrect. All we know for sure is that regardless of medium Furlan works with, they’re at risk for getting drooled on. The drawing of the Ferrari F40 and the one below that of the Ferrari F355 and a Ferrari 308 GTS especially. Even the untrained eye can appreciate the skill it took to capture the sun’s reflections off of the signature red paint, and the movement of the grass from the wind.

Vic82 Art Meet Miha Furlan, A Man of Ferrari Art Meet Miha Furlan, A Man of Ferrari Art

Naturally, this kind of talent received nothing but supportive and kind comments. Forum member slik560 wrote, “Absolutely fantastic. I certainly hope that you’ve been flooded with orders for prints by now.” Another member, Mietek23, responded with: “Those drawings are pure art. This is way better than pictures. And those details (for example in 156 drawing) – one of the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my entire life… Just beautiful.” Aside from wonderful comments from fellow auto enthusiasts, many have divulged to Furlan that they’ve downloaded the images to use as desktop backgrounds or as avatars. One such member was Striker: “Amazinnggg…., thank you for providing me with my new desktop background!!”

If you wish to look at more of Furlan’s art and want to support his talent by ordering some original work, check out his website.

Photos: Vic82’s art thread

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Before she was old enough to go to school, Kristen Finley spent a majority of her childhood rebuilding rusted Chevy Novas with her dad. Once high school and college came around, she was still actively rebuilding cars, though she found out she had a second greatest love: writing and photography.

Now, in her last year of college, she's pursuing a bachelor's in Journalism and Media Studies from California State University, Monterey Bay after receiving her AA in Communications. She has been writing for three years, and as her school newspaper's automotive expert, she started and solely maintained the weekly automotive section detailing posts on car care, safety tips, features, and news. She covers stories for Mustang Forums, Dodge Forum, JK-Forum and more.

Finley can be contacted at

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