Green is the New Fast: Switzer Pumps Out 900 hp of Flex-fuel Porsche

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Green is the New Fast: Switzer Pumps Out 900 hp of Flex-fuel Porsche

The short version is that it’s a low-emission, 900 horsepower, flex-fuel monster of a Porsche built by a pack of wild-eyed savants in the middle of rural Ohio … but the story behind this F900 started a few years ago, at the same time that the automotive press started to notice that Oberlin, Ohio might be an interesting place to visit after all. I’m not talking about Switzer’s first cars, here, those fast and furious DSMs. Forget about those high-horsepower Eagle Talons and Mitsubishi Evos that terrorized the streets and strips of Ohio. Forget, even, about those first Porsche few “rescue missions” to put right what other shops had put wrong. Forget about all of that, because the rest of the world has. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, the story of Switzer Performance and the Switzer F900 Porsche begins with Sledgehammer.

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