Entitled BMW i8 Owner Gets a Taste of NYC Justice

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Coby Persin i8 BMW

New York City justice is usually some of the most entertaining around.

That’s the case here, as YouTube personality Coby Persin certainly got what was coming to him after blocking NYC traffic with his very-gold BMW i8.

Check out the footage below. Apparently he and a buddy stopped in the middle of a busy street to pose for a photo shoot with the glimmering i8. Well, photo shoot sounds a bit too official maybe, as it doesn’t appear any actual permits were involved.

But what do you do rely upon when officials aren’t there to keep traffic moving in an orderly fashion? Street justice, NYC style, also known as a baseball bat to the windshield.

Needless to say, Coby didn’t get a lot of sympathy from his far-too-many followers after his now-deleted tweet about the incident. Even though you’d think they’d expect such idiocy, since according to Coby’s YouTube profile he’s a self-described “prankster” and “Social Experimenter.”

To me he just looks like a jerk who got what he deserves.

Am I condoning this obvious New Yorker’s brazen act with a bat? No, violence is never the answer. But I am publicizing it, which is probably far worse.

Oh well, it’s entertaining, right?

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Via [GQ]

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