Some Ass Put His Butt on a Bugatti, and It Ain’t Funny

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Mondays should be positive. The start of the week should be a nice, fresh beginning. Instead, there’s this: an image that turns an uplifting mood into a scowl. News flash, guy putting your bare butt on a Bugatti, your “comical” prank just revealed to the world that you are a moron who doesn’t get it.

There’s not really any information on the photos, as they were posted to Autogespot with just the following caption: “We don’t know what this guy has, but he surely does not have any respect. What an asshole (no pun intended). Photos by unknown.”


Apparently the photos were sent as a Snapchat that somebody screenshot and shared with Autogespot, likely without any more revealing information (lucky for said moron).

I’m honestly not sure what’s worse: doing something like this with actual malicious intent or being so dumb that you actually think this is funny. Either way, it’s idiotic, UNLESS it’s his car. Then, guess what? I’m in no place to tell him what he should or shouldn’t do with his property. But it certainly doesn’t appear that way.

If there’s one positive, it’s that he didn’t poop on it… just left a nasty booty mark on that gorgeous carbon fiber weave…


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Via [Art of Gears]

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