That Horrible Feeling That Comes With Breaking Someone Else’s Ferrari 458 Speciale

That Horrible Feeling That Comes With Breaking Someone Else’s Ferrari 458 Speciale

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broken ferrari

The sentence “this is not actually a very good situation” just jumped to the No. 1 spot on my 2016 list of tremendous understatements of the year.

As somebody who has driven plenty of cars that aren’t mine, and as somebody who has sadly messed one up pretty badly, I can tell you that damaging another person’s car is a Top 5 worst feeling in the world. Unfortunately for YouTuber Marchettino, the car happened to be a $300,000 Ferrari 458 Speciale that belongs to R3 Wheels.

Marchettino was given the chance the drive the car in the hills of Monaco. As you see in the video below, he enters the road, floors it, and the hood/trunk of the car catches wind and flies up. Many of the comments point out that the car was beeping, a sound surely intended to let him know that the hood was not closed. Yet he jumped the gun (surely easy to do with the excitement of getting to drive such a rare vehicle) and damaged the bonnet and windshield in the process.

Marchettino states that it’s the first time he’s ever damaged a car in his life, and it was very clearly a slip of the mind and a true mistake. At least on camera, the R3 Wheels guys were very gracious and kind about it. The damages will indeed be covered by insurance. But still, I can feel their pain.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

Via [Marchettino]

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