Lamborghini Aventador “Rabbioso” LP777-4

Lamborghini Aventador “Rabbioso” LP777-4

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Lamborghini Aventador “Rabbioso” LP777-4

This stunning Aventador makes us want to go grab a Hershey bar, then the keys. “The successor of the legendary Murcielago sets new standards in the segment of super sports cars and Lamborghini unbridled the Aventador for the boulevards and racetracks of the world. Since the lead time is already more than a year before delivery, the solvent matador got enough time to sort out the exclusive group of luxury tuners and their offfers. Wheelsandmore from Baesweiler in Germnay has been made in this segment for years and earned a name and therefore does´nt stop at Lamborghini´s sharpest weapon….”

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